I founds a island!

so i was on a boat and i looked sexy and i saw a new unknown island i jumped on it from 50  feet away. and i saw a crashed shit (ship) on shore and a sine that said fuck you!!!...your drunk!!!.
i walked around and saw a monkey and it got shot in the face and there was a restraunt called burger shit. and n telos condoms and mc. ass and wendys sucks dick.
i looked around and there was a walmy walmart and i went inside and it was full of skeletons dancing and kemixx pushed me and i got meh magic spoon and made kermixx turned into a apple and i shoved it in meh ass.
a giant potato smashed walmart and the skeletons flew away on butterflys.
i ran out and a army of the retarded horse came and chased meh.
i ran as the ground started shaking a giant evil patrixx came threw the floor and threw up a whole bunch of evil patrixx's kermixx then kung foo meh and ate meh and meh army of potatos got shoved in patrixx's ass. and the shamwow guy got hit by a ice cream truck and diedy.
and a skeleton popped out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!